Blockchain for Beginners

2 Days


Cohort-based Course

Onchain is the new online: explore crypto beyond the casino, why you need to own your data & how to play your part in the web3 revolution

corporate clients

Business Fights Poverty

Course overview

Become an early adopter of the next internet

Cryptocurrencies are just the first application of blockchain technology. Bitcoin has grown from 1$ to $50,000 in 15 years and Ethereum is now changing the financial system. Cryptos have also created a casino teeming with scams, hacks, manipulation, by speculators, gamblers, con-artists and convicted criminals.

What mainstream media is less reporting on is how blockchain technology is re-shaping social media, digital identity, consumer commerce, and even the regeneration of our planet. Why not?

The military-industrial-media complex has little incentive to support a radical innovation from outside the existing system; we don't even even know who Satoshi (Bitcoin inventor) is. Like it or not, the decentralisation of society with peer-to-peer transactions at its core, is not quite in the interest of those whose paycheck is dependent on centralised governments or big corporates whose business model is being middlemen.

Governments across the world have tried hard and soft powers to stop this, but blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum are literally unstoppable. Plus, advocating for blockchain is quickly shifting from career risk to promotion opportunity.

We deserve a better internet than that controlled by a few billionaires. Do you want more self-sovereignty and agency?

Join us to co-create the more beautiful internet our hearts know is possible. Blockchains are permissionless: just do it.

Who is this course for


Anyone not interested in the hyper-financialised crypto casino but now keen to explore blockchain with a holistic lens for real-world use.


Crypto traders tired of Discord/X & ready to co-evolve with high signal tribes in decentralised social & its embedded consumer crypto stack.


Leaders who want to be ahead of their peers in grasping the next version of the internet & how it will impact their careers and business.

What you’ll get out of this weekend seminar


Get a holistic view on blockchains and build your own mental model of how this radical coordination-tech can replace the current 'system'


Be surprised by what real-world problems cryptocurrencies can solve today, tomorrow and in the future

Hands-on fun

Experience the excitement of learning how to make safe onchain transactions incl. owning digital art, music and articles

Unique social media experience

Navigate farcaster, the 1st decentralised social media platform at scale where people get real money for casting quality content

This course includes

Interactive live sessions

Lifetime access to course materials

4 in-depth lessons

Direct access to instructor

Projects to apply learnings

Guided feedback & reflection

Private community of peers

Course certificate upon completion

Maven Satisfaction Guarantee

This course is backed by Maven’s guarantee. You can receive a full refund within 14 days after the course ends, provided you meet the completion criteria in our refund policy.

Course syllabus

Oct 19—Oct 20
Nov 23—Nov 24
Expand all modules
  • Week 1

    Oct 19—Oct 20

    Nothing scheduled for this week.

  • Post-Course


    • Co-creation & Accountability Group

    • Module 1

    • Module 2

  • Bonus


    • A Map for a Higher Civilization

What people are saying

        Dear Marcus, the workshop on blockchain that you conducted with us was truly "time well spent." I was very far removed from the topic of blockchain. The workshop was a real eye-opener for me and inspired me greatly—I realized the potential that the technology holds. You did a perfect job of conveying that. Thank you for it.
Susanne Ratzenberger

Susanne Ratzenberger

SVP Transformation & Integration at E.ON Energie Deutschland
        This was a game-changer even though I am not a beginner. He has a unique ability to break down fundamental concepts that not only deepened my understanding but also inspired me to explore the potential of Web 3.0 further. Marcus's approach to teaching is truly extraordinary—highly recommended if you want to elevate your knowledge in this space!
Dr. Alexander Bogner

Dr. Alexander Bogner

CEO infologis AG
        Marcus' understanding of blockchains is the broadest and deepest of all people in my network. He has fully committed to this decentralised movement and is on a daring mission to get you interested. I learned so much from his knowledge and infectious enthusiasm. Time will fly fast with antaur, too.
Christian Erhard

Christian Erhard

Founder audacify & Honest Elefant
        Marcus has achieved the near impossible: he got me excited about re-building my digital professional life on farcaster. I now run the membership subscription "Proof of Inner Work" onchain & enjoy trying out new consumer tools in crypto. I even have a lil weekly income simply by producing quality content related to therapy. Bye bye FB & Instagram:-)
Ruth Veda

Ruth Veda

Therapist & Class Leader on Personal Growth

Meet your seminar host

Marcus Druen: blockchain early adopter

Marcus Druen: blockchain early adopter

Marcus is online since 1995. He discovered the potential of crypto in 2020 and is re-building his digital life onchain one block at a time.

Marcus brings his 25 year experience as expert in learning design, leadership courses, personal transformation seminars and systemic change practices to the mission he is most passionate about: educating newcomers about blockchains, cryptocurrencies and the first useful consumer applications.

He is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom after spending 10,000 hours of blockchain research and audacious onchain experimentation.

Check 50 glowing recommendations on Linkedin.

antaur: onchain guide

antaur: onchain guide

antaur is his onchain pseudonym and head of research & knowledge sharing.

antaur is an Etherean at heart and predominantly lives on the base chain, a so-called Layer 2 blockchain. This sits on top of Ethereum, which you can think of as the open-source app-store of the next internet. Base is founded by Coinbase, a global crypto exchange and touted as the Amazon of the web3 era.

antaur's PFP (Personal Profile Picture) is an NFT called Optimist #304.

If/once you are there, you can find them on the Farcaster social graph as FID235323.

There, they host a few onchain channels (think Reddit subs) and help shape the narrative of ↑ higher, a new onchain experiment to coordinate ideas, money, products and people around a so-called headless-brand: higher is owned by the community, not a company.

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

Blockchain for Beginners

Cohort 2



Oct 19—20, 2024

Payment Deadline

Oct 18, 2024

Cohort 3



Nov 23—24, 2024

Payment Deadline

Nov 22, 2024
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Bulk purchases

Seminar Details

8 hours over a weekend

  • Saturday & Sunday

    4 hours live course each day

    Mix of teaching incl. Q&A and onchain practice and experimentation

  • Next cohort: 21-22 September 2024

    16.00 to 20.00 GMT

    Zoom Call with step-by-step onchain onboarding

  • IT Kit

    Laptop & Mobile + stable internet

    Mix of slide presentation and on-screen showcase of onchain transactions for easy participant replication

  • Pocket Money

    None for the seminar

    I'll fund you a few $ to set-up a smart wallet for the purpose of this seminar. No 12-key phrases needed. To enjoy further onchain experiments best to set-up a Coinbase account. DM me for other options.

Free resource

Example of my onchain writing

I wrote this after being on Farcaster for six weeks. Farcaster is closely yet loosely aligned with Base, a Layer 2 blockchain owned by Coinbase. What's special about this article is that readers can collect it directly for a small fee. This helps creators make a direct income for the content they put out. I was chuffed to see that Jesse Pollack, founder of Base, collected it, too. I also embedded some NFTs in this onchain article, so if anyone has bought them as a result of reading this, those creators earn, too. Read. Write. Own. That's our mantra.

Get this free resource

8 Metaphors of Blockchain

8 Metaphors of Blockchain

Most holistic model

Courtesy of Venkatesh Rao, this is the most holistic and useful model of blockchains for sense-making. V is a contributor to the Summer of Protocols, a core program funded by the Ethereum Foundation, which imo might become one of the most impactful orgs in history.

Structure for the seminar

It covers all important aspects of what blockchains are, why they matter and how they can change the internet and thus our society for better (or worse).

Deep Dive Guide

Understanding blockchains requires a systemic and multi-disciplinary approach. Once you get the big picture you will leave this seminar naturally gravitating towards some areas more than others in your onward journey onchain. Which will you be most interested in?

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can’t make a live session?

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

What’s the refund policy?

A pattern of wavy dots

Join an upcoming cohort

Blockchain for Beginners

Cohort 2



Oct 19—20, 2024

Payment Deadline

Oct 18, 2024

Cohort 3



Nov 23—24, 2024

Payment Deadline

Nov 22, 2024
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Bulk purchases


2 Days